iLEAD Lancaster

A Great Big Thank You

A great big thank you! Our updated front office and drive-through valet pickup system has been very successful, with your help! Thank you for the kind words of support, constructive feedback, and cooperation in helping to create a happy and smooth pickup process each day!

Below are the details on the process:

** We will no longer be writing passes at the table as this takes our attention away from the learners and adults coming in/out of the office. **

Please note that during 3-3:30pm facilitators are very busy with ensuring drive-through valet learners are sent outside and that office valet learners are picked up by an adult with a valet card. For this reason we ask that you hold discussions with them AFTER 3:30pm. As you know, we encourage parents to foster healthy communication with facilitators, we just need to be mindful of their attention during this very busy process.

We would also like to bring to attention that all adults visiting campus are required to sign in and out at the desk and obtain a visitor’s pass. This includes our parents that volunteer daily. The “why” behind this is for safety. In the case of an emergency we must know who is on campus and be able to account for them just the same as staff and learners. Our visitors and volunteers are important to our community so we must keep them safe too!


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in finding a win-win for all!

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