Site icon iLEAD Lancaster

Join Us for ED Talks

Introducing a forum for iLEAD parents!

ED Talk is an open meeting with administration that will be held the 2nd Friday of each month. 

Topics will include core values and practices with our school:

Please join our Director, Nykole Kent, for a discussion about iLEAD Lancaster’s Vision and Mission Statement. 

We look forward to seeing you on Friday, September 13th, at 9 a.m.! 

iLEAD Lancaster, a free public charter school in Antelope Valley, is part of the iLEAD Schools network of charter schools throughout California, the Midwest, Colorado, and Hawaii. iLEAD empowers learners to become conscientious, compassionate, and responsible citizens of the world, and inspires them to become creative thinkers and leaders with a lifelong love of learning.

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