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Exploration – Home School: Sign Up Now for CAASPP Testing!

Sign-ups have begun for CAASPP testing! Remember, this is for learners in grades 3rd-8th, 11th, and 12th. Testing is held at our Lancaster campus April 29th through May 3rd. Other locations will also be offered during the months of April & May. This year, iLEAD has added even more locations for you to choose from, so be sure to secure a spot at a location that is convenient for you! Locations will fill up, so don’t wait too long! Participating in CAASPP testing is one of the best ways to give back to your charter school! Being able to show the state that our learners participate enables us to maintain our reputation and continue to receive funding for our families to educate their children freely.

Reach out to your EF for more information!

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