Site icon iLEAD Lancaster

7 Habits Educational Opportunity

A lighthouse is a tower, building, or other type of structure designed to emit light from a system of lamps and lenses, and to serve as a navigational aid. Are you interested in helping us navigate? We are redoubling our commitment to our learners and beginning the process of creating a dynamic and supportive school-wide environment that will be conducive to learning and building relationships. We have applied for a grant in order to become a Leader in Me school. This is a 3- to 5-year process that will take us to Lighthouse status — a huge accomplishment with major ramifications for our surrounding communities.

In light of this adventure, we will be offering a six-week 7 Habits of Highly Effective People workshop for parents and staff beginning on Wednesday, April 19, and ending May 24. We will meet in the Village from 6 to 7:30 p.m.; child care will be available. Please allow this to serve as a “heads up” so that you can think about this and save the dates.

Our iLEAD administration, facilitators, care team and support staff are COMMITTED to empowering our learners. We are being given appropriate tools to develop leadership skills while building good human beings who excel in all areas of their lives.

Please think about this and consider how important it is for our school and for our children. You are the “ground floor.” Your reservation will ensure that you get a seat.

Please call 661-722-4287 to register. We look forward to your partnership and commitment to ensure our school continues to grow and develop.

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