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Clean Up Our Community

The “Clean up our community” program is aimed for learners to achieve a clean and healthy environment with participation from each individual for a collective goal. Each grade and class has its own section to control and secure in establishing a spotless atmosphere. For instance, sixth grade Ms. Johnson’s class has their upstairs corridors and outside the main rear doors toward the playground. The sections divided for each class and grade help the school thrive to unpolluted areas in a collaborative process.

The facilitators are given their designated departments to maintain, which in turn keeps the facility in top-notch order. The responsibility is as equal for the facilitators and the care team who assist the overall goal of partnership and cleanliness. The culture of unity and hands on comprehension of the seven habits takes place while each hand is reaching for a piece of trash or any inconsistency. Overall, our desire is for the learners to take responsibility of their environment and work together to incorporate the skills learned in class to the outdoors.

We are proud to be a school of bright minds and a sparkling community!
– Quincy Freeman

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