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iLEAD Lancaster Health and Wellness Policy

iLEAD Lancaster has adopted a Health and Wellness Policy.

Click here to view the entire policy.

We encourage our families to provide healthy food choices for meals and snacks. For birthday celebrations and other class celebrations, we encourage non-edible items (bubbles, stationery, pencils, etc.), or the donation of a book to the class. If families want to bring in baked items, we ask that parents choose treats listed in our Health and Wellness Policy or that are as healthy and organic as possible. Please speak to your child’s facilitator prior to bringing in items for celebrations. We look forward to assisting our families in establishing and maintaining lifelong healthy eating habits.

Drink Choices
We discourage drink pouches and juice boxes in school snacks and lunches. The cellophane wrappers and straws not only litter the school and play areas, but they remain for thousands of years in a landfill.

Instead, we encourage using reusable bottles and drinking lots of water, which protects learners from fatigue, headaches, and lethargy. A well-hydrated body just feels better, and a ctive brains crave water!

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