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iLEAD Lancaster Sparkles

Kindergarteners Are Going Postal!
In conjunction with the ongoing Me and My Community project, kindergarten learners processed their Valentine’s cards as mail. Learners purchased stamps with nickels in order to practice counting by fives. All postage was affixed to the envelopes and then mailed. Postal clerks sold postage, processed the mail for delivery, and then took turns placing the envelopes into the correctly numbered mailboxes.

A visit to the post office on Lancaster Blvd. provided relevancy to the classroom post office experience. While receiving mail is fun, most kindergarten postal clerks preferred the important postal clerk jobs of rubber stamping — the date stamp, the postmark, and the canceling stamps got a full workout.

2nd Graders Get in the Groove
Dance class with 2nd grade has been a fun and a growing experience. They are currently working on the upcoming Spring Show, and they love their song! Ms. Shynelle finds the 2nd graders very entertaining because of the interesting learners she has! As much as they are learning from her, Ms. Shynelle is always learning something new from them.

3rd Grade Community Buzzing with Activity
Our 3rd graders have finished their research, and they’re deep in the production of their endangered-animal commercials! They’re truly enjoying their roles as directors, producers, and actors. They look forward to sharing their wonderful commercials with everyone at their POL on March 4.

Our learners are also really enjoying their literature unit on Charlotte’s Web. The learners have become attached to the characters, and they’re immersed in the plot of this story. Wilbur and Charlotte have become part of their daily conversations, and they’ve enjoyed predicting every character’s future.

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