iLEAD Lancaster

iLEAD Lancaster Valet Service

If you need a replacement valet card or a new one for an added person, please come to the front office and request one.

In the morning:

Morning drop-off begins at 8:00. Please enter Avenue K-4 from the west and pull in to the driveway at the west end of our school. (You’ll see a valet attendant in a bright vest to direct you.) Drive around the back of the school where another valet attendant will open your car door and help your children exit the car. The learners will enter the building through the back door. Please do not park in this area. If you would like to come into the school, please park in our parking lot and enter through the reception area.

In the afternoon:

Valet begins at 3:00. Please enter Avenue K-4 from the west and pull in to the driveway at the west end of our school. Do not turn left into the driveway, as it blocks traffic. (You’ll see a valet attendant in a bright vest to direct you.) Have your bright-orange valet card (available at Meet the Facilitator Day and on the first day of school) on the driver’s side of your dash. An iLEAD staff member will read the last name written on your valet card and use a walkie-talkie to have your child come out to your car. We will be loading cars in the order in which they are parked. After picking up your child(ren), drive slowly out to the front of the school and turn right onto Avenue K-4. This will help prevent traffic congestion.

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