iLEAD Lancaster

New Roles for Familiar Faces

Many of our staff members have been given new roles this year. Here are a few of them:

Anasa Washington, no more Middle School: Hi, my name is Anasa Washington and this year I have transitioned into the iLEADership Resident position. For the past three years, I have been a middle school facilitator and I have loved every minute of it. This year, I am challenging myself to do something different. I will now be working with learners, facilitators, parents and other school staff to make positive changes in our school environment. Please don’t hesitate to ask me anything. I may not always know the answer, but I will search until I find it. I am looking forward to working with all of you! We wish to welcome you back to iLEAD Lancaster. We sincerely hope you all had restful summers and we are looking forward to a year full of growth, exploration, community and fun!


David Williams has earned the title STEAM Coordinator: I am overseeing Exploratorium and Makery. Will be facilitating in (at times) in both. And also, I will be helping support middle school and the pilot Innovation Studios Middle School here at Lancaster.


Suzanne Ronge is so excited to be over at iLEAD Lancaster again this year: I am a mom of six girls, four of whom attend iLEAD. My new role this year is care team for Innovation Studios. I help with instructing activities and classes throughout the day and help in any area of work they need.


Misty Luettgerodt, new kindergarten facilitator: I am back in kindergarten, but this time teaching it! I am so excited to be onsite every single day!


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