iLEAD Lancaster

Parent Spotlight

Suzanne & Brad Ronge and iLEAD Learners Hailey (7th), Julieanne (5th), Taylor (3rd) and Noylnn (K).

My name is Suzanne Ronge and my family and I have been going to iLEAD now for five years. When my oldest was in kinder she went to a public school and it was super easy for her, so we decided to home school her for first grade. We ended up putting her back into public for second grade and again she was bored. I would ask the teachers for harder work and the response back was “Sorry, they all have to be at the same level.” So, we knew we had to make a change.

In April 2012 I was at the Lancaster Poppy Festival. I got stopped by someone working at the iLEAD booth. I took the flier home to my husband and we thought we would give it a try. We went to a meeting and just really felt like this is what we were looking for.

I love that my kids do projects and then present them to us. This school has really changed my outlook on a lot of things. I truly love the way we do “Love and Logic” and the “7 Habits.” My kids are all on different levels of learning so I love that no matter where they fall in the educational spectrum they get the support they need. I would say that probably my No. 1 thing I love about iLEAD is the parent involvement and how it’s so richly encouraged. I love being part of my child’s education. I often find that even I learn new things.

Three years ago I left my job and came to work at iLEAD. I love this school and what it stands for. I have personally grown here in many ways.

Even though my girls’ time is up here at iLEAD (we are moving out of state) I know that they have gained the skills that they need and will take that with them. They know how to be self directed, and be creative. Thinking outside the box isn’t a scary thought for them. I am excited to continue my path with iLEAD. Since the beginning when this school first opened their doors to now, this school makes you feel like family.

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