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Message from the Director

Hello iLEADers,

Welcome back! I hope each of you had a restful and meaningful time with your family and friends during the winter break and were able to utilize Habit 7 and “Sharpen the Saw.” We are thankful for the opportunities to impact your learners. They are the reason we’re here.

Just a few updates:

We appreciate you choosing iLEAD Schools and we want to celebrate your choice with School Choice Week, coming at the end of January. Please look out for updates in the Monday Message and Parent Square.

The Leader in Me provides our school with the vision and language to lead the school in a way that addresses all areas of development. Our learners are given opportunities to lead as they discover their own unique gifts. As leaders, they become active, engaged partners in their own education and their self-confidence, responsibility, and initiative grows. Using their unique gifts, the learner discovers how to listen to new ideas, work together to achieve results, and motivate one another to be their best.

Research has shown that the simple act of writing a goal greatly increases the chances of accomplishing that goal. If the goal is broken down into action steps, there is an even greater percentage of success. Our goal for the second semester is to develop and implement action steps toward moving us closer to becoming a Leader in Me Lighthouse school. Please continue to read the Monday Message and Parent Square about this process.

We want our learners to be successful through good, consistent attendance, developing grit, utilizing help from our faculty, and working diligently. As they returned to school on Tuesday, facilitators will be reminding learners on processes and procedures. Just a reminder that attendance is very important for your learners’ success.

Looking forward to an awesome 2019 with our fabulous iLEAD family!

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