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Monday Message – September 9, 2019

Hello Families, 

Our 2019-2020 school year is underway and has gotten off to a great start. With your help, we are laying a wonderful foundation of collaboration and community. By now, all our learners are settling in to the new school year and getting accustomed to their facilitators. Our facilitators have been working hard at building relationships and classroom culture with your learners. As a result of our facilitator dedication and detailed planning for a strong school culture, we could not be more pleased about how this week has gone. We appreciate your and your learner’s patience these first few weeks as we establish procedures, routines, and expectations that lay the foundation for a positive school culture.

Just a little reminder of our community expectations: 

  1. I will do nothing to harm myself or others 
  2. I am responsible for my behavior
  3. We are each other’s keepers
  4. I take pride in myself and in my work 
  5. I will leave it better than I found it 
  6. We will have fun!

Please review these expectations with your learners and make them part of your everyday classroom culture.

Thank you,

Nykole Kent
School Director

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