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Apply for iLEAD Lancaster’s Enrollment Lottery by March 31

Lottery Applications Due

At iLEAD Lancaster, all grade-level admissions are done by public random lottery. Through the lottery, we fill open spots and then start creating a wait list. To be included in the lottery, you must fill out one iLEAD Lancaster Enrollment Application per child.

Our 2023-24 public enrollment lottery is scheduled for April 7 from 5:00 to 7:00 at iLEAD Lancaster, 254 E. Ave K-4 Lancaster, CA. Applications have been available since December 16, 2022, and are due by March 31, 2023.


Below is important additional information:

If you have any questions, please reach out to our office staff at or (661) 722-4287.

Do you know someone who may be interested in enrolling at iLEAD Lancaster? Please help us spread the word by sharing this information with your friends.

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