iLEAD Lancaster

iLEAD Lancaster 6th Graders Cook with Solar Power!

iLEAD Lancaster Mrs. Tracey's 6th Science Class Solar Pizza Box Ovens (1200 x 675 px)

Our 6th graders at iLEAD Lancaster are becoming eco-chefs in Mrs. Tracey’s science class! They’ve been busy building Solar Pizza Box Ovens, and it’s not just a delicious experiment – it’s an amazing lesson in renewable energy and sustainability.
Using the power of sunlight to cook food, this hands-on project teaches our kids about heat transfer, the greenhouse effect, and the potential of harnessing solar energy. Not only does it make science fun, but it also encourages creativity and problem-solving. Our young chefs can tinker with their ovens to make them even more efficient and learn about eco-friendly cooking alternatives. 
The future is looking bright for our budding scientists! 

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