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iLEAD Lancaster’s Winter Show

iLEAD Lancaster Winter Show

Thank you to all families who made donations to watch our virtual Winter Production. Your contribution does so much for our learners and school programs! At this time, we would like to give access to all families so that they may enjoy watching their learners too. It was a great show! Many thanks to Mr. Ceron, all our learners, and our families for making it happen!

Watch the show!

At iLEAD Lancaster, our mission is to ensure that our learners have the best educational experiences possible. We provide hands-on curriculum, state-of-the-art technology, field trips, art materials, and many inspiring learning opportunities not funded by the state. All of this is made possible through the coordinated efforts of staff and volunteers from our supportive learning community and through fundraising initiatives such as an annual giving campaign, community sponsorships, and special events like our Winter Production.

Thank you for your support and confidence in iLEAD Lancaster. Together we are creating something extraordinary!

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