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Important Morning Valet Reminders

School Valet Procedures iLEAD Lancaster

Please form ONE line into the parking lot for morning valet. Thank You!

Download the FREE Parent Square app on your iPHONE or Android. You may also complete it on a PC, laptop, or through your phone’s web browser.

It is required that you complete the daily health screening on Parent Square prior to drop off. You can do this at 7:00 pm the night before for the next school day. Please have it ready to show the valet or front door staff every morning.

Learners dropped off at the front must show the green checkmark on Parent Square

Parents/Guardians that choose to park and walk children into school will need to drop off learners at the front doors.  We will update you as soon as possible when parents and volunteers are permitted back in the classes.

Parent Square


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