Site icon iLEAD Lancaster

Message from the Director

director word written on cubes on wooden background

Hello iLEAD Families,

I hope you have received your login information and have accessed your learner’s reports of progress. Did you know our learner-led conferences are coming up! This is a time where your learner will demonstrate the skills they have been learning in class. This process makes it a more meaningful and reflective experience for both the child and the parent. Please look for updates on when your scheduled LLC date will be.

I wanted to thank all of you for your continued support and dedication to your learners and our iLEAD family. We have been knee deep in project development and creating new innovative projects for our learners to dive into. Some examples are: the Genes in Space project, the Maker Faire exposition and we are so excited to team up and explore with DreamUp, our space program. See the graphic below for more info!

We have enjoyed your learners and look forward to having them return next year. Please fill the forms out and return them as soon as possible. Tell your friends: our 2018-19 enrollment is now available online and in the office.

Thank you!

Nykole Kent
School Director
iLEAD Lancaster
254 E. Avenue K-4
Lancaster, CA 93535
(661) 722-4287

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