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Now Welcoming Back Parent Volunteers!

Historically families have been asked to volunteer and participate on campus 40 hours per year, which works out to 1 hour per week or 4 hours per month. Throughout the pandemic, parent volunteers have not been able to be on campus. We are excited to welcome back our volunteers! No amount of time donated is too short or too long! 

Volunteering and participation are always optional. We do strongly encourage participation in order to foster the home-school connection and work tirelessly to create a culture where families feel welcome to come onto campus often, but of course, we understand that is not an option for every family. Volunteering can happen through a variety of opportunities including classroom volunteering, operational/facilities assistance, relevant professional expertise, administrative tasks or by attending Parent University workshops and seminars.



Please contact your child’s facilitator, call or visit the office, or email for more information.

We look forward to working closely with our families again!

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