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Physical Fitness Testing

Each year, learners in grades five and seven participate in the California Physical Fitness Test, also called the PFT. California has chosen the FITNESSGRAM® as the annual physical fitness test for learners in California public schools. The PFT results provide one measure that learners and their families can use, along with other information, to monitor overall fitness. Schools may also use these results for the purpose of evaluating their physical education program.

This year, your child will take the Physical Fitness Test (FITNESSGRAM®).

The FITNESSGRAM® includes six test areas:

Most of the fitness areas of the FITNESSGRAM® have two or three test options so all learners, including those with special needs, have the chance to participate. For each fitness area of the FITNESSGRAM®, learners are scored as meeting the “Healthy Fitness Zone” or “Needs Improvement.”

You are an important part of your child’s education. To help your child get ready for the test, you can:

Talk about the PFT with your child. Make sure your child is not anxious and is ready to do their very best.

To learn more about the PFT, go to the California Department of Education Parent Guides to Understanding Web page at

Our learners will start testing this week during their PE block. If you have any questions about your child’s participation in the PFT, the FITNESSGRAM®, or the test results, please contact your child’s facilitator or Sajae Davison at

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