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Support iLEAD Lancaster Learners’ Journey to Experiment Space Launch

DreamUp large group Kennedy Space Center

Dear iLEAD Lancaster Families, Staff, and Supporters,

We are thrilled to share some incredible news! A team of our very own 7th graders has been selected to send their science experiment to the International Space Station!

Tron B., Esteban B., Rafael L., James P., Orion G., and Tyev B. – Team Salix alba (White Willow Tree) – designed an experiment that will be launched into space! 

To celebrate this amazing achievement, we want to be sure our DreamUp to Space Team has the opportunity to attend a two-day space conference at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This trip will be an unforgettable experience, allowing our very own learners to see firsthand the real-world application of their scientific curiosity and hard work.

We need your help to make this dream a reality!

We are raising funds to cover the cost of travel, accommodation, and activities. Any amount you can contribute will make a significant difference.

Here’s how you can donate:

Every donation, big or small, will bring us closer to our goal and provide these young scientists with a valuable experience that will inspire them for years to come.

Thank you for your support! Let’s show our learners how proud we are of their hard work and dedication to learn and grow!


The iLEAD Lancaster Team 

P.S. Get to know more about iLEAD Lancaster’s DreamUp Team, and see their proposal here.

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