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Team Spotlight: Meet iLEAD Lancaster School Counselor Ms. Shaana Scott

Shaana Scott School Counselor iLEAD Lancaster

Shaana Scott’s journey with the iLEAD network of schools began when she became an intern for Empower Generations, a high school in Lancaster, California. Eventually Ms. Shaana transitioned into a long-term substitute role at the school before finding her calling as a school counselor. Her dedication to learners brought her into her current role as a school counselor at iLEAD Lancaster, where she supports children from kindergarten through eighth grade. Her love for the population she serves shines through, and she is a pillar of support for our learners.

Social-Emotional Learning

Ms. Shaana believes that iLEAD Lancaster is a special place where social-emotional learning happens intentionally and effectively. “I feel that we at iLEAD Lancaster strive to be great every day for our learners. We are a little family and play as a team,” she said. “We are heavy on social-emotional learning, understanding that without having a good mental health space, good academics can feel difficult and out of reach. Our whole-child approach is undeniable and present in a huge way each day. We have an awesome counseling team led by an awesome administration team. This in turns helps us help our colleagues.” 

Building Community

Beyond her role as a school counselor, Ms. Shaana is deeply involved in various school activities and events. She makes it a point to be present at school functions, field trips, and after-school clubs, recognizing the importance of connecting with learners beyond the classroom setting. By actively participating in school life, Ms. Shaana reinforces her dedication to the learners and fosters stronger bonds within the community.

Leadership in Action

We asked Ms. Shaana what it takes to be a great leader, and she said, “Courage, grace, and compassion.” At iLEAD Lancaster, these qualities are exemplified through the school’s emphasis on restorative practices and social-emotional learning. Ms. Shaana witnesses firsthand the positive impact of these approaches, with learners actively seeking out restorative circles to resolve conflicts and promote understanding among peers.

A Day in the Life

For Ms. Shaana, a typical day at iLEAD Lancaster is dynamic and fast-paced, filled with opportunities for engagement and learning. Ms. Shaana approaches her work with enthusiasm and looks forward to making a difference in the lives of those around her every day.

Fun Facts

Beyond school, Ms. Shaana says she loves camping, being a big prankster, laughing, and playing games. She likes music even if she doesn’t know the lyrics or the person singing a song. Her favorite genres of movies are thriller and suspense, and she says, “I do love a good romantic story also.”

Whether she’s leading a restorative circle, planning a school event, or sneaking in a prank between classes, one thing’s for sure – Ms. Shaana is a force to be reckoned with, bringing joy, laughter, and love to all who cross her path.

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