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The Counseling Team Presents: Lunch Buddies and Small Groups!

child holds iPad

We are excited to be able to connect with you. We hope you’ve enjoyed connecting with your facilitators while getting to know friends and the distance learning schedule for this new school year. 

The Counseling Team is excited to introduce Lunch Buddies 2.0 this school year. Learners are invited to bring their lunch or snacks every week and meet with friends and socialize while developing positive and healthy relationships and building social skills. We will meet every Thursday in split sessions:

We are aware that this time does not work out for all, so when other iLEAD sites have solidified a day and time for Lunch Buddies, we will be offering those times to you. 

In the near future, we will also offer a couple small groups for social-emotional learning/health, as well as a college and career readiness group for 7th-8th graders. 

Please stay tuned for more information.

If at any time you need to reach out to your counselors, please contact Tina Tharp at or Shaana Scott at or via text or phone at 661-724-6201.

Please remember we have our iLEAD Family Resource line available, toll free, Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM-8:00 PM. Dial 833-610-0700.


Your iLEAD Lancaster Counseling Team

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