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Update: LA County Air Show Air Show Cancelled

Los Angeles County Air Show

Update: Unfortunately, the LA County Air Show has been cancelled. We will revisit our boothing opportunities with them in the future.

Boothing is a great opportunity to advertise our school, and who better to do it than our very own learners and families?

We’re looking for learners and their families to help cover some time slots both Saturday and Sunday at the Air Show.

Sharing stories of projects, POLs, field trips, campus community events, and why we love our school is all that is required!

There will be iLEAD swag to hand out and hands-on activities for all to enjoy.

Please RSVP to if you would like to sign your learners and family up to volunteer for a time slot. As a thank-you for volunteering, families will be given four entry tickets and a parking pass! 

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