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Something’s Fishy

Something’s fishy…. in Kindergarten. Yes, we have been raising trout again. We received our batches of trout eggs in March and all 60 of our proud fish mothers and fish fathers have been diligent in their care.

We’ve been studying anatomy, habitat, life cycle, and about conservation. Our baby fish (or alevin, as the Kinders will remind you) have now grown into fry!

But they’re not alone! We have another batch of eggs growing in 5th grade.

Come take a look at our fish tanks during our joint POL (presentation of learning) by iLEAD Lancaster’s Kindergarten and 5th grade learners and honorary Fish and Wildlife representatives.

Come visit us during Full Steam Ahead on Friday, May 3rd, at 5 p.m. in the Kinder and 5th grade classrooms.

We take care of ourselves; We take care of each other; We take care of our things.

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