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Parents, We Need You

Parent volunteers are an important component of our school community.  iLEAD Lancaster asks each family to volunteer 40 hours per school year in any way you can. No contribution is too small! To volunteer on campus, you simply need to complete a TB questionnaire (available at the front desk) and sign in. To chaperone Field Studies, you must submit a Live Scan, as well. Parents and guardians are also needed for our iSUPPORT parent volunteer group. We are all happy to have you on campus with us showing support for our staff and learners!

Kinder is in need of volunteers every day! They hold groups for just an hour, from 10-11 a.m., and the learners could really use your help! Please contact Kinder Kim directly, through email at, or send a message through the office!

First grade also needs volunteers to help with project time! Contact or send a message through the front office to coordinate a time.

Questions? Please send an email to our Office Manager, Christy Monroe at, or our iSUPPORT Chair, Patricia Margosian Terrell. Connect with her on Parent Square’s iSUPPORT page.

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