Get Ready for Trunk or Treat
It’s Fall Festival Time! Please bring your family and join us for our annual Fall Festival! There will be games, food, crafts, and FUN! Everyone is welcome to wear costumes; the themed family costumes are especially fun to see! This is a schoolwide fundraiser. Tickets will be sold for 25 cents a piece, and each food booth and activity center will have a ticket requirement. Tickets will be sold in the office from Monday, October 21st to Friday, October 25th, as well as at the festival. Credit/debit cards and cash are welcome!
As a new addition to our Fall Festival, we are excited to introduce our first ever Trunk or Treat! Families and community members are invited to decorate their trunks and pass out treats during Fall Festival! Vehicles will be backed in across the playspace area so that children can visit each one safely while still having fun within the festival itself! Please click this link to sign up!
We need volunteers! Please sign up with your learner’s facilitator or in the front office. Any and all help is welcome.
“Ties and Tiaras”: iSUPPORT’S Mother Figure/Son Dance: March 28
iSUPPORT Presents “Ties and Tiaras,” iLEAD Lancaster’s Mother Figure/Son Dance on March 28 at 5-8 PM! TK-8th grade boys, invite the special lady in your life to a night of… Read more
iLEAD Lancaster Ballroom Dancers Wow in Weekend Competition
On Saturday and Sunday, March 8-9, our talented 5th-8th grade learners participated in an unforgettable weekend filled with energy, teamwork, and incredible performances. This was an incredible opportunity for our… Read more
iLEAD Lancaster Open House and TK/Kindergarten Roundup: March 21
We are excited to invite you to iLEAD Lancaster’s Open House (TK-8th Grade) and TK/Kindergarten Roundup on Friday, March 21, at 5-7 PM! Come see what our WASC-accredited, tuition-free school… Read more