
Upcoming Physical Fitness Testing for 5th and 7th Grade Learners

child stretch

The Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is part of the state testing program. California has chosen the FITNESSGRAM® as the annual PFT for students in public schools.

The FITNESSGRAM® is a comprehensive health-related fitness test developed by The Cooper Institute.

Physical Fitness Test and FITNESSGRAM®


All students in grades five, seven, and nine are tested.


The PFT is administered between February 1 and May 31. You will receive additional information from your school about the specific dates and times of testing.


The FITNESSGRAM® has six fitness areas:

  • „  Aerobic Capacity
  • „  Body Composition
  • „  Abdominal Strength andEndurance
  • „  Trunk Extensor Strength andFlexibility
  • „  Upper Body Strength andEndurance
  • „  Flexibility


The PFT can be given to students over multiple days. Students will participate in each of the six fitness areas and will get a score in the Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ) or in the Needs Improvement area.

Do students with disabilities take the PFT?

Yes. Most of the fitness areas of the FITNESSGRAM® have two or three test options so all students, including those with special needs, have the chance to participate in the PFT. Students are to be given as much of the test as their condition will permit.


FITNESSGRAM® results are one measure of information students and their families may use, along with other information,

to monitor overall fitness.

Schools may also use these results for the purpose of evaluating their physical education program.


What test options are available for the PFT?

Aerobic Capacity

• One-Mile Run • PACER
• Walk Test

Body Composition

• Skinfold Measurements
• Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer • Body Mass Index

Abdominal Strength and Endurance

• Curl-Up

Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibility

• Trunk Lift

Upper Body Strength and Endurance

• Push-Up
• Modified Pull-Up • Flexed-Arm Hang


• Back-Saver Sit and Reach • Shoulder Stretch

How can I help my child prepare for the test?

You are an important part of your child’s education. Some things you can do to help your child are:

  • „  Discuss the test with your child. Make sure your child is not scared or anxious.
  • „  Tell your child that you and the teacher have high expectations and are there to help, every step of the way.
  • „  Make sure your child engages in 60 minutes of activity every day.
  • „  Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep and a nutritiousbreakfast before testing.
  • „  Review test results and help your child plan fitness activities to meet fitness goals.

Additional Information

More information about the PFT can be found on the California Department of Education PFT Web page at https://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/pf/.

For more information about your child’s scores, contact your child’s teacher and/or the school office.


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