
Please Don’t Double Park

Hello Parents! As a friendly reminder, please do not double park when dropping off or picking up your child. Fully parking in a spot ensures the safety of our learners AND the safety of you and your vehicle! Remember, if you are not using valet, all children should be walked to the front door. If they are arriving before 8 a.m., each child needs to be signed into Morning Extended Care by the person dropping them off. If arriving at 8:45 a.m. or later, please sign them in.

No child is allowed to leave campus alone without written authorization from a parent or guardian.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the front office at (661) 722-4287 . Questions regarding Extended Care can be directed to Sara at Sara.Prim@ileadlancaster.org .

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our learners safe!



Food Pantry Friday: February 24

The next Food Pantry, hosted by the iLEAD Kindness Club in collaboration with One Love Food Ministry, will be on campus on Friday, February 24, from 12:30-1:30 PM. All families… Read more


Food Pantry Friday: February 24

The next Food Pantry, hosted by the iLEAD Kindness Club in collaboration with One Love Food Ministry, will be on campus on Friday, February 24, from 12:30-1:30 PM. All families… Read more

School Plan For Student Achievement

Our school receives funding from the federal government to build programs for learners and to train staff. This funding is called “Title” funding. A group of community members, staff, and… Read more