
Saturday Academy

If your child has been absent, (EXCUSED OR UNEXCUSED) this school year, iLEAD Lancaster is providing learners with an opportunity to recover lost instructional time due to a full day absence in our Saturday Academy Program. The goal of our Saturday Academy is to provide learners not only a chance to recapture “lost learning,” but also an opportunity to work on their
academic skills with our facilitators in the areas of English, Math, Science, and History, AP and Honors tutorials, and computer lab time. In addition, enrichment activities, such as fine arts, performing arts, hands-on science, and other curricular areas may be offered.

[gview file=”https://ileadlancaster.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Parent-Intro-Letter-to-Sat.-Academy-1.pdf”]


child glasses

Vision & Hearing Testing: February 10-12

Dear Parent/Guardian, California has passed a law requiring all learners in kindergarten, 2nd, 5th, and 8th grade to have a screening for possible vision or auditory deficiency. State-mandated vision screenings… Read more

101 Days of School

Celebrate 101 Days of School: February 11

Get ready to celebrate a milestone! On Tuesday, February 11, we’ll be marking 101 days of learning and fun at iLEAD Lancaster for the 2024-25 school year. Join us as… Read more

iLEAD Lancaster - Let It Out - Instruments, Music, Production - 2.2024

Grades 3-8, Join Our “Let It Out!” Creative Arts Program: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Exciting news! We’re adding grades 3 and 4 to our “Let It Out!” Creative Arts Program! Now learners in grades 3-8 are invited to join us for our popular after-school… Read more