
Summer Hours

Summer office hours are posted below. We value your time and want to help you as best as possible. Therefore, should you need to make contact outside of these hours, the best way to do so is to send an email to Christy Monroe at christy.monroe@ileadlancaster.org or Wendi Miranda at wendi.miranda@ileadlancaster.org. We will respond to you as quickly as possible!

Please note: The phone system sometimes routes your calls and messages to various phones. Our IT department is working to resolve this.

Thank you, and enjoy your summer!

[gview file=”https://ileadlancaster.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/2019-Summer-Hours.pdf”]



iLEAD Lancaster Kindness Club Food Distribution: February 21

The iLEAD Lancaster Kindness Club is excited to host our free food distribution event to support our community! Come out and receive fresh food and essential items for your family.… Read more


High School Readiness Day for iLEAD Lancaster 8th Graders: March 11

iLEAD Lancaster 8th graders are invited to join us on Tuesday, March 11, at 10:25-11:10 AM for an exciting opportunity to explore their future high schools, and meet the counselors… Read more

iLEAD Lancaster TKKindergarten Roundup Template

iLEAD Lancaster TK/Kindergarten Roundup: March 13 & 21

We are excited to invite you to iLEAD Lancaster’s TK/Kindergarten Roundup on Thursday, March 13, at 4:30-6:30 PM or on Friday, March 21, at 5:00-7:00 PM. Come see what our… Read more