Category: Events

iLEAD Lancaster Participates in Toys for Tots

We will be collecting new toys for our community by partnering with Toys for Tots. If you can find it in your heart to support, please send in an unwrapped… Read more

Holiday Book Fair Nov. 27-Dec. 1

The book fair is this week!

Mark Your Calendar

(Please see the school calendar for more information) Nov. 17 –  Multi Cultural Feast Nov. 20-24 – Fall Break Nov. 27-Dec. 1 – Scholastic Book Fair Dec. 1 – Winter… Read more

You’re Invited: Multicultural Feast Nov. 17

Greetings iLEAD Families! It is an iLEAD tradition to give thanks to each other within our school community by sharing a multicultural feast the Friday before fall break. This year… Read more

Winter Boutique Coming Dec. 1

Save the date: Our next all-school fundraising event is Dec. 1 from 6 to 8 p.m. and is a winter boutique! We have over 30 vendors already registered. Many of… Read more

Kindergarten-Second Grade Families: Dance Party Nov. 28?

Kinder-Second Grade families: Save the date, Nov. 28! We want to host a dance party for our learners. Please watch your Facebook pages and parent square for more info.

Dec. 8: Save the Date for Winter Production

Save the date for our Winter Production, which will be held the evening of Dec. 8! A Parent Square will follow this week with detailed information.

iLEAD Lancaster Participates in Toys for Tots

We will be collecting new toys for our community by partnering with Toys for Tots. If you can find it in your heart to support, please send in an unwrapped… Read more

Mark Your Calendar

(Please see the school calendar for more information) Nov. 7 – Visit From Al Bowers Nov. 8 – McTeachers Fundraiser, Challenger & K McDonalds Nov, 10 – Veterans’ Day- No… Read more