Category: Monday Message

iLEAD Lancaster Attendance

Attendance Requirements and Reporting for the 2020-21 School Year 

iLEAD Lancaster Charter School will record and report attendance based on new state legislation regarding distance learning. This means we will reinforce attendance expectations and track daily attendance and participation… Read more

iLEAD Lancaster Summer Enrichment Program flyer

FREE Summer Enrichment Programs at iLEAD Lancaster

The end of the school year is almost here! Friday, June 18, will be the last day of school, and it is time to think about summer activities and fun!… Read more

iLEAD Lancaster book fair flyer

iLEAD Lancaster’s Scholastic Outdoor Book Fair!

Join us this week, June 7-11, outside the Holodeck for our Scholastic Outdoor Book Fair! We’ll be open Monday through Friday from 8:30-10:00 AM. Buy one get one free!

iLEAD Lancaster Free Breakfast and Lunch

Free Breakfast & Lunch Pick-Up: Summer Schedule

Through the Summer Seamless Program, we will continue providing meals for all children up to 18 years of age at no charge during our summer break. You do not need… Read more

iLEAD Lancaster Students

Reserve Your Yearbook!

Online ordering for yearbooks is closed, but you can reserve one for purchase for $25 when they arrive. Pay with cash or card at that time. To reserve a yearbook,… Read more

iLEAD Lancaster learners back to school

Valet Procedures

We are all working together to make valet drop-off and pick-up safe, smooth, and efficient. We have seen great improvements, and it will continue to be better as days go… Read more

iLEAD Lancaster Attendance

Attendance Requirements and Reporting for the 2020-21 School Year 

iLEAD Lancaster Charter School will record and report attendance based on new state legislation regarding distance learning. This means we will reinforce attendance expectations and track daily attendance and participation… Read more

iLEAD Lancaster Students

Reserve Your Yearbook!

Online ordering for yearbooks is closed, but you can reserve one for purchase for $25 when they arrive. Pay with cash or card at that time. To reserve a yearbook,… Read more

iLEAD Lancaster families learners director

Together Tuesdays: Share Your Photos and Stories!

Greetings, iLEAD community, Every other week, a new Together Tuesday video features photos of families, learners, and staff throughout the iLEAD nation. We’d love to see your contributions. To ensure your submissions… Read more

iLEAD Lancaster learners back to school

Valet Procedures

We are all working together to make valet drop-off and pick-up safe, smooth, and efficient. We have seen great improvements, and it will continue to be better as days go… Read more