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Community Resources

Did you know that iLEAD Lancaster has a social worker?

Meet Mrs. Kammy Bell, iLEAD Lancaster’s very own social worker, who plays a crucial role in supporting the social, emotional, and psychological well-being of learners at our school. She collaborates with community agencies and organizations to connect learners and families with additional resources and support services outside of the school setting.

Foster Care and Homeless Liaison

Mrs. Kammy is our Foster Care and Homeless Liaison. If you are experiencing homelessness or if you are a foster care family, please reach out for resources and support.

Contact Mrs. Kammy

Email Phone

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Free Resources in the Community

Please take a look and take advantage of these wonderful resources offered by our amazing community in the Antelope Valley:

Community Resources

Wellness Wednesdays

Wellness Wednesdays

Mrs. Kammy provides helpful tips for our learners, families, and staff to improve our mental and social-emotional wellness. 

Wellness Wednesdays

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