
Registrar’s Corner

Friday, April 5th, at 2 p.m. is the lottery date for the 2019/2020 school year! We are excited to welcome new families to our iLEAD Lancaster community!

We use the lottery system to fill open spots in classes for the upcoming school year. Families that did not submit an intent to return for their currently enrolled children need to contact the office immediately if they wish to keep those spots for the 2019/2020 school year. Failure to do so may result in those children being placed on the waitlist until a spot opens up in their grade level.

Spread the word about why your family loves our school with friends and family and encourage them to attend a tour! Tours are held Mondays at 9 a.m., and Thursdays at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.


iLEAD Lancaster Glider on Campus

Getting to the Heart of Education: Social-Emotional Learning at iLEAD Lancaster

At iLEAD Lancaster, we know education is not just about academics; it’s about preparing students for life. And to be ready for life, kids need skills like empathy, self-awareness, and… Read more

iLEAD Lancaster journal pen clock

Summer Office Hours

Office hours during summer enrichment, which continues through July 22, are 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. If you have any questions for our team, please email registrar@ileadlancaster.org or leave a… Read more

strawberries Summer Meals

Summer Meals for Your Family

We want to make sure all our families have access to meals this summer. Please see the tools below if you need assistance. Summer Meals Program (SFSP) When school is… Read more