Multicultural Feast Nov. 18!
Save the Date! November 18th
Join us for our fifth annual Multicultural Feast! You may bring your family’s favorite dish to share with the school and teach each other about our different cultures. We will have a signup board in the office for donations and a volunteer sheet if you would like to help serve food to the learners. Please come in and sign up! Any questions, please see Alyssa Bautista in the front office or email her at:
Upcoming Events
Sat., 3/8: Saturday School: 6:30 AM to 3:30 PM Mon., 3/11: High School Readiness Day Thur., 3/13: TK/Kindergarten Roundup, 4:30-6:30 PM. RSVP Fri., 3/14: Learner Free Day – No School… Read more
Upcoming Events
Mon.-Fri., 2/24-28: Spirit Week Sat., 3/8: Saturday School: 6:30 AM to 3:30 PM Mon., 3/11: High School Readiness Day Thur., 3/13: TK/Kindergarten Roundup, 4:30-6:30 PM. RSVP Fri., 3/14: Learner Free… Read more
Upcoming Events
Mon., 2/17: Presidents’ Day – No School Fri., 2/21: Kindness Club Food Distribution Sat., 2/22: Saturday School: 6:30 AM to 3:30 PM Mon.-Fri., 2/24-28: Spirit Week Sat., 3/8: Saturday School:… Read more