
Upcoming Events

calendar post-it notes

Mon., 2/20: Presidents’ Day – No School

Wed., 2/22: 101st Day of School

Fri., 2/24: Food Pantry on Campus

Thur., 3/16: TK/Kindergarten Round-Up. RSVP HERE.

Fri., 3/24: TK/Kindergarten Round-Up. RSVP HERE.

Continuing through Wed., 5/31: Summative ELPAC Testing

Click here for the school year calendar.

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calendar post-it notes

Upcoming Events

Wed., 12/18: Winter Production Fri., 12/20: Last Day to Donate: Annual Toy & Clothing Drive Fri., 12/20: Enrollment Lottery Opens for 2025-26 School Year. Apply Academic Calendar Community Calendar

calendar post-it notes

Upcoming Events

Mon.-Fri., 12/9-13: Grinchmas Spirit Week Fri., 12/13: Grinchmas Wed., 12/18: Winter Production Fri., 12/20: Last Day to Donate: Annual Toy & Clothing Drive Academic Calendar Community Calendar

calendar post-it notes

Upcoming Events

Fri., 12/6: K-5 Candy Land Dance Fri., 12/6: “Bayou Nights” Winter Formal Mon.-Fri., 12/9-13: Grinchmas Spirit Week Fri., 12/13: Grinchmas Wed., 12/18: Winter Production Academic Calendar Community Calendar