Dear iLEAD Lancaster Families,
Welcome to the latest edition of the Monday Message, our school’s weekly newsletter. This week, we’re excited to focus on project-based learning. Read on to learn more about this vibrant and innovative aspect of education at iLEAD Lancaster.
We’re looking forward to seeing all our learners on our first day of school Tuesday, August 15! On our website, you can find our school hours. Please also be sure to review the 2023-24 academic calendar and add important events to your family’s calendar. In addition, child care is available before and after school through Champions.
If you have any questions for our team, please don’t hesitate to reach out to or (661) 722-4287. And be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected.
With gratitude,
Nykole Kent
School Director
Fri., 3/21: Open House (TK-8th Grade) & TK/K Roundup, 5:00-7:00 PM. RSVP
Fri., 3/21: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply
Sat., 3/22: Saturday School: 6:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Fri., 3/28: Mother Figure/Son Dance
Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break
Tue., 4/15: Last Day of Yearbook Presales. Order here.
Fri., 4/18: Family Movie Night, 6:30 PM
Sat., 4/19: Saturday School: 6:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Fri., 4/25: Father Figure/Daughter Dance
Campus tours are available on Mondays. RSVP
Project-based learning is foundational to our approach to education at iLEAD Lancaster. What is project-based learning (PBL)? PBL is an educational approach that emphasizes the use of projects or tasks… Read more
Is there a future Picasso living with you? Enroll your child in iLEAD Lancaster, and you’ll find out! Our Arts Program helps learners see the world from different perspectives, express… Read more
We want to make sure all our families have access to meals this summer. Please see the tools below if you need assistance. Download the CA Meals for Kids Mobile… Read more