Monday Message - October 26, 2020 - iLEAD Lancaster
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Monday message 10.26.2020

Monday Message

Hello, iLEAD learners!

We hope you all “sharpened the saw” while enjoying your Fall Break the week before last. We wanted to remind you all of some good habits to keep in mind. A good habit to remember is Habit #1: Be Proactive. This habit allows you to start thinking with the end in mind, which is Habit #2, by taking proactive steps to ensure you are creating a sustainable routine/schedule and making sure it includes the following:

  • brain breaks
  • lunch breaks (please eat something)
  • movement

Whether you are reestablishing a routine or just now establishing one, getting started can feel overwhelming, but rest assured your school counselors are here to support. You can always reach out to us to schedule appointments for tips and tricks to stay ahead of distance learning.

One easy way to kick off a routine is to set a regular bedtime and morning routine. It doesn’t have to be boring! Make it fun by doing some mindfulness after brushing your teeth and washing your face. Mindfulness can mean something different to everyone. Some examples:

  • listening to calming music
  • journaling
  • meditation
  • watching some comedy (laughing releases endorphins to help our bodies relax)
  • reading a book

Another way to ensure you’re being proactive is by preparing for school before bedtime. Put away all your school items in the same place every night, making sure all materials are ready, pencils are sharpened if you’re using them, and computers are charged and ready for the next day.

You all are rocking this distance learning! Let’s continue to do great and, as always, reach out to your facilitators, staff, school counselors, or parents for help when needed. You are not in this alone. We are in this together!


Your School Counseling Team
Shaana Scott
Tina Tharp

Upcoming Events

calendar post-it notes

Fri., 3/21: Open House (TK-8th Grade) & TK/K Roundup, 5:00-7:00 PM. RSVP

Fri., 3/21: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply

Sat., 3/22: Saturday School: 6:30 AM to 3:30 PM

Fri., 3/28: Mother Figure/Son Dance

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Tue., 4/15: Last Day of Yearbook Presales. Order here.

Fri., 4/18: Family Movie Night, 6:30 PM

Sat., 4/19: Saturday School: 6:30 AM to 3:30 PM

Fri., 4/25: Father Figure/Daughter Dance 

Academic Calendar

Community Calendar

Campus tours are available on Mondays. RSVP

ELAC News iLEAD Lancaster

English Learner Updates Newsletters from California Dept. of Education

Click below for newsletters with the latest information and resources regarding English learner education and distance learning from the California Department of Education English Learner Support Division:  English Learner Updates… Read more

Drive In Family Movie Night

Drive-In Family Movie Night: October 29-30

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iLEAD Lancaster Costume Parade

Join Our Drive-Through Costume Parade Friday, October 30!

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iLEAD Lancaster

iLEAD Lancaster Culture: Components of Social-Emotional Learning — Optimism

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Distance Learning Webinar

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iLEAD Lancaster Distance Learning

Together Tuesdays: Share Your Photos and Stories!

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child holds iPad

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Family Resources

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Online Safety Video Chatting

Attendance Requirements and Reporting for the 2020-21 School Year 

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iLEAD Lancaster Back to School

Reminders: Fall 2020 Distance Learning Instructions

Below you will find information about tech tools necessary for this year: Student Email, PowerSchool, and Zoom. If you need any support, please submit a Tech Ticket. 1. Student Email… Read more

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