Monday Message - September 9, 2019 - iLEAD Lancaster
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Monday message 09.09.2019

Hello Families, 

Our 2019-2020 school year is underway and has gotten off to a great start. With your help, we are laying a wonderful foundation of collaboration and community. By now, all our learners are settling in to the new school year and getting accustomed to their facilitators. Our facilitators have been working hard at building relationships and classroom culture with your learners. As a result of our facilitator dedication and detailed planning for a strong school culture, we could not be more pleased about how this week has gone. We appreciate your and your learner’s patience these first few weeks as we establish procedures, routines, and expectations that lay the foundation for a positive school culture.

Just a little reminder of our community expectations: 

  1. I will do nothing to harm myself or others 
  2. I am responsible for my behavior
  3. We are each other’s keepers
  4. I take pride in myself and in my work 
  5. I will leave it better than I found it 
  6. We will have fun!

Please review these expectations with your learners and make them part of your everyday classroom culture.

Thank you,

Nykole Kent
School Director

Upcoming Events

calendar post-it notes

Fri., 3/21: Open House (TK-8th Grade) & TK/K Roundup, 5:00-7:00 PM. RSVP

Fri., 3/21: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply

Sat., 3/22: Saturday School: 6:30 AM to 3:30 PM

Fri., 3/28: Mother Figure/Son Dance

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Tue., 4/15: Last Day of Yearbook Presales. Order here.

Fri., 4/18: Family Movie Night, 6:30 PM

Sat., 4/19: Saturday School: 6:30 AM to 3:30 PM

Fri., 4/25: Father Figure/Daughter Dance 

Academic Calendar

Community Calendar

Campus tours are available on Mondays. RSVP

Book Fair

Come one, come all! Monday, September 9th, is the last day for the Book Fair, in The Village at iLEAD Lancaster! Purchases not only build your home libraries but directly… Read more

Join Us for ED Talks

Introducing a forum for iLEAD parents! ED Talk is an open meeting with administration that will be held the 2nd Friday of each month.  Topics will include core values and… Read more

Parent Volunteers, We Need You!

Join our parent volunteer group, iSUPPORT! Our school community and children need US, their families! Volunteering in class, on campus, at events, and on field studies makes a HUGE impact.… Read more

Understanding the 7 Habits

iLEAD Lancaster embraces the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and is a Leader in Me school! You will see our habits in the Monday Message, in the classroom, around… Read more

Valet Info and Procedures

Hello, parents! For safety and convenience we strongly encourage the use of our drive-through VALET for all dropoff and pickup. K-4 is a busy commerce street, and we value the… Read more

Parents, Please Update Your Information

Each year, we need parents to update their household information, emergency contacts, and e-sign all state-required re-enrollment documents. This is done through Reg-Online. Accessing the website needs to be done… Read more

School Lunch Program Info

Please see the included notices regarding our Campus Lunch Program and National School Lunch Program. Please see the office for an application for free/reduced breakfast and lunch. We ask every… Read more

Parents, Stay Connected

Stay connected with us by downloading the free Parent Square app on your phone! We use this to communicate instantaneously (for reminders and in case of emergency) to every family… Read more

Exploration – Home School: Lancaster Park Day

Join us for the first iLEAD Exploration Lancaster Park Day of the 2019-20 school year! Tuesday, Sept. 10th, from 10-11 a.m. at Sgt. Steve Owen Memorial Park (Lancaster City Park),… Read more

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Exploration – Home School: Learning Period Schedule

2019-2020 Learning Period (LP) Meeting Schedule Reminder: Save Attendance no later than the last day of each LP! LP LP Meeting Week 1 8/20/19 – 9/13/19 2 9/16/19 – 10/18/19… Read more

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