Access Your Child’s CAASPP Score Report
Dear Parent/Guardian:
This spring your child took the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for English Language Arts and Math. Learners in grade 5 and 8 also took the California Science Test.
These tests can be combined with other measures like MAP scores, Reports of Progress grades, individual learner work, and facilitator observations to give families and educators a more complete picture of each child’s learning. These results will be used to identify where your child is doing well and where they might need more support. It is important to know that summative test results are not used to determine whether a learner moves to the next grade. Facilitators will use the individual data points to support their learners where needed next year.
You can access your child’s score report through the Pathways Parent Portal. Not all assessments may have been scored yet, but we anticipate that they should all be completed within the next two weeks.
Pathways Parent Portal Access to CAASPP Score Report Instructions
Parent Portal Directions – Detailed Instructions for Accessing or Registering for the Parent Portal
Your child’s score report will give you information about how well they met the expectations of the grade level and where they are doing well or need more support in each subject. This is helpful information to discuss with your child’s facilitator to understand how they can be better supported and how you can support learning at home.
To learn more about your child’s scores, go to the Starting Smarter website at There, you will find information about test results, sample test questions, and free resources to support your child’s learning at home.
If you have questions or concerns, please call the school office at 661-722-4287 to arrange a conference with your child’s facilitator or to request assistance accessing the Pathways Parent Portal.
Deborah Autrey
School Director
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