Grades 3-8, Join Our “Let It Out!” Creative Arts Program: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Exciting news! We’re adding grades 3 and 4 to our “Let It Out!” Creative Arts Program! Now learners in grades 3-8 are invited to join us for our popular after-school creative arts program, “Let It Out!” These music instrument and production workshops will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 to 5:30 PM. If you’re interested, please come to the front office and sign up!
“Ties and Tiaras”: iSUPPORT’S Mother Figure/Son Dance: March 28
iSUPPORT Presents “Ties and Tiaras,” iLEAD Lancaster’s Mother Figure/Son Dance on March 28 at 5-8 PM! TK-8th grade boys, invite the special lady in your life to a night of… Read more
School Picture Day: April 10
Get your big smiles ready! Spring picture day is coming up on April 10.
iLEAD Lancaster Yearbook Presales: Now through April 15
iLEAD Lancaster is offering presale yearbooks at a discounted price of $25 through April 15. Order yours today!