Leader in Me Spotlight: David Williams
3 words that describe iLEAD: family, trailblazers, people builders
My why: My “why” is my family. My family will always be the most important aspect of my life. It drives me. It gives me motivation. It’s the reason I set goals. It helps me become a better person, coach, facilitator and leader. By keeping this focus , I ensure that I will continue to grow in all aspects of my life and who I am. It helps me utilize the skills I develop in every aspect of my life, including work. I am nothing more than an amalgamation of pieces and influences that I have picked up from individuals who have inspired me throughout my life. By keeping an open mind and being willing to learn new things, I continue to grow and develop new talents and skills.
How long have I been here: This is the third year I have been @ iLEAD.
One word that describes me: I really can’t give myself a word to describe myself. Myself, myself, myself. Anyway. I asked a few of my fellow iLEADers and here is what I was told:
- Soothing
- Selfless
- Calm and collected
- Driven
Important: Spring Surveys Coming Soon
Dear Families, Your feedback is important to our school’s success! This spring, we will invite you to participate in a survey designed to support your child’s learning. In addition, learners… Read more
Schoolwide Learner Outcome: Authentic Individuality
iLEAD is excited to continue our Schoolwide Learner Outcomes series. Our March focus is authentic individuality. This article has several tips to help you foster authenticity in your child: “Celebrating… Read more
Every Day Counts: Show Up, Shine & Succeed at iLEAD Lancaster
Families, let’s partner to ensure our learners are present and thriving! At iLEAD Lancaster, every day is a chance to learn, grow, and discover. Consistent attendance is key to unlocking all… Read more