Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service in Partnership with the City of Lancaster
This year iLEAD Lancaster Charter School has signed up to partner with the City of Lancaster for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. We’re excited to give back along with our community in this new way!
When: Saturday, January 18, anytime between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
Where: Deputy Pierre W. Bain Park 45045 5th St E, Lancaster, CA
What: Park cleanup & planting flowers, shrubs, trees
Who: iLEAD Lancaster families & staff!
How: Drop in or call the office to sign up, or email christy.monroe@ileadlancaster.org directly to be added to the group.
Please wear your choice of iLEAD Spirit Tees! Don’t have one for the family? iLEAD Tees can be purchased in the office for $10.00!
Monday Message RECENT POSTS
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