Report of Progress for Your Learner Coming Soon!
Equipping our learners for success is the cornerstone of iLEAD education. Learners are continually assessed on their progress toward meeting grade-level standards, Learner Outcomes, and their Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) goals. iLEAD Schools embraces the whole child, focusing on both social-emotional and academic skills. Therefore in lieu of a traditional report card, we share Reports of Progress with our families; a holistic, comprehensive picture of how our learners are growing as Lifelong Learners, Empathetic Citizens, Authentic Individuals, and Design Thinkers. The Report of Progress (ROP) is a comprehensive document of a learner’s strengths, growth, and areas where extra support may be needed.
The Report of Progress has three major components: (1) progress, (2) narrative, and (3) Learner Outcome. Read on to learn more about each.
Part 1: Progress
The first part of the ROP is progress (or grades). This is an overall snapshot of the learner’s progress in the first semester, including concepts, skills, and standards.
How is this done?
Each learner receives a progress descriptor appropriate for their grade level: numeric scale for grades K-5 and letter grades for grades K-12.
Grades K-5: Numeric Scale
For grades K-5, grades are given using the 1-4 numeric scale, which follows the Proficiency Scale.
Please note that the goal for each learner in lower school is to be at a 3, “Applying.” The 3, “Applying,” shows that a learner consistently has a complete understanding of the subject area being graded at semester’s end.
A 4, “Mastering,” is reserved for those learners who show an extended, different, or above-and-beyond understanding and application on multiple occasions and may be working above grade-level standards.
The goal for learners is to have all 3s by the end of the second semester. In the first semester, they will still be working toward demonstrating a complete understanding of the grade-level standards.
Grades 6-8: Letter Grades
For grades 6-8, Learner Outcome scores are given using the 1-4 numeric scale (shown above). All regular subjects are graded with a traditional letter grade.
Part 2: Narrative
The second part of the ROP is the narrative. Each learner will have narratives written by their facilitator/s. It is our hope that these narratives are rewarding for you as parents/guardians, as they provide a clear picture of your child’s progress and educational experience. The narrative progress report recognizes that each child is unique and their development cannot fully be understood or assisted by using a checklist approach.
Part 3: Learner Outcome
The last part of the ROP is the Learner Outcome. At iLEAD, we believe that education should extend beyond traditional academic knowledge. In the course of a child’s journey with iLEAD Schools, our learners will engage with a relevant and rigorous curriculum that will prepare them for success personally and professionally.
Our purposeful approach revolves around the iLEAD Schoolwide Learner Outcomes, a collective vision that encapsulates our aspirations for each individual’s education. The following Learner Outcomes serve as our compass, guiding us in shaping a child’s educational journey.
In order to align grading across both the academic and Learner Outcome scores, the proficiency scale above also applies to the Learner Outcome rubric. Our goal for learners surrounding the Learner Outcomes is that by the time they promote/graduate from our school, they are able to consistently and independently apply these skills and knowledge in their personal and professional lives. Because each Learner Outcome is complex in its aspirations, it is important to recognize that progress on the Learner Outcomes may be a little slower, and it may require multiple years to consistently and independently demonstrate complete understanding and/or mastery.
All three components of the first semester ROP will be available for families in the School Pathways Parent Portal. Click here for directions on how to access your Parent Portal. In addition, if your learner has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), then a progress report will also be sent home via email for your review. A hard copy can also be sent home at your request. More details will be coming soon regarding when your ROP will be available for your learner.
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