
TED Talks For Parents

TED Talks For Parents

TED Talks are a terrific resource for learning. They are often entertaining, but they also open our minds to new ideas and life experiences. We have compiled a short list of some of our favorite talks for parents.  Take a listen to these when you can:

Sir Ken Robinson,”Do Schools Kill Creativity?

Rita Pierson, “Every Kid Needs a Champion”

Social psychologist Sonia Livingstone, “Parenting in the Digital Age

Temple Grandin, “The World Needs All Kinds of Minds”

Angela Lee Duckworth, “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance”

Julie Lythcott-Haims, “How to Raise Successful Kids — Without Over-Parenting”



School Picture Day: April 10

Get your big smiles ready! Spring picture day is coming up on April 10.

iLEAD Lancaster Yearbook Presales: Now through April 15

iLEAD Lancaster is offering presale yearbooks at a discounted price of $25 through April 15. Order yours today!

outdoor movie night

Family Movie Night at iLEAD Lancaster: April 18

iLEAD Lancaster families, join us for a FREE family movie night!  Friday, April 18 6:30 PM Bring your blankets, lawn chairs, and the whole family for a night of fun!… Read more