It’s ROP Time!
The first semester has concluded, and K-5 ROPs were shared with parents and guardians (grades 6-8 are still being worked on). Any questions you have or clarifications you may need can be addressed with your learner’s facilitator. Requests for a printed copy may be submitted to the front office.
What is a ROP, you ask? It is a Report of Progress (iLEAD’s equivalent of a report card) for learners. Facilitators will send parents/guardians an invitation to Novare, where you can view, download, and print your learner’s ROP. You will need to create an account once you receive the invitation. It’s quick and simple! ROPs are truly valuable in that they are more that just a score. They tell you the personal learning story regarding the academic and social/emotional progress for your child.
Academic Progress is noted for the following subjects:
- Language Arts
- Math
- Science
- Social Studies
- Exploratory Learning
Social Emotional Growth is shared through assessing the following character strengths, skills, and mindset:
- Curiosity
- Optimism
- Grit
- Purpose
- Self-Control (Intrapersonal)
- Social Intelligence
- Self-Control (Interpersonal)
- Gratitude
- Zest
- Growth Mindset
Any questions or clarifications may be addressed with your learner’s facilitator. Requests for a printed copy may be submitted to the Front Office.
“Ties and Tiaras”: iSUPPORT’S Mother Figure/Son Dance: March 28
iSUPPORT Presents “Ties and Tiaras,” iLEAD Lancaster’s Mother Figure/Son Dance on March 28 at 5-8 PM! TK-8th grade boys, invite the special lady in your life to a night of… Read more
iLEAD Lancaster Ballroom Dancers Wow in Weekend Competition
On Saturday and Sunday, March 8-9, our talented 5th-8th grade learners participated in an unforgettable weekend filled with energy, teamwork, and incredible performances. This was an incredible opportunity for our… Read more
iLEAD Lancaster Open House and TK/Kindergarten Roundup: March 21
We are excited to invite you to iLEAD Lancaster’s Open House (TK-8th Grade) and TK/Kindergarten Roundup on Friday, March 21, at 5-7 PM! Come see what our WASC-accredited, tuition-free school… Read more