School Lunch at iLEAD Lancaster
Introducing, the new way to make payments to meal accounts on either your phone or computer! Please see attached letter and flyer for more information. As a reminder, you may find your learner’s local ID# through Reg-Online (your registration portal), by emailing, or by visiting the front desk.
Please see the included notices regarding our Campus Lunch Program and National School Lunch Program. Please see the office for an application for free/reduced breakfast and lunch. We ask every family to complete one, even if they do not qualify because we use the data for school grants. All data is kept confidential.
Lancaster Letter to Households - English Lancaster Letter to Households - SpanishRECENT POSTS
“Ties and Tiaras”: iSUPPORT’S Mother Figure/Son Dance: March 28
iSUPPORT Presents “Ties and Tiaras,” iLEAD Lancaster’s Mother Figure/Son Dance on March 28 at 5-8 PM! TK-8th grade boys, invite the special lady in your life to a night of… Read more
iLEAD Lancaster Ballroom Dancers Wow in Weekend Competition
On Saturday and Sunday, March 8-9, our talented 5th-8th grade learners participated in an unforgettable weekend filled with energy, teamwork, and incredible performances. This was an incredible opportunity for our… Read more
iLEAD Lancaster Open House and TK/Kindergarten Roundup: March 21
We are excited to invite you to iLEAD Lancaster’s Open House (TK-8th Grade) and TK/Kindergarten Roundup on Friday, March 21, at 5-7 PM! Come see what our WASC-accredited, tuition-free school… Read more