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Monday message 10.04.2021

iLEAD Lancaster Learner

Upcoming Events

calendar post-it notes

Mon., 9/2: Labor Day

Tue., 9/10: “Let It Out” Starts Again: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30-5:30 PM

Wed., 9/11: Fall Individual Picture Day

Thur., 9/12: Minimum Day for K-5 Only

Thur.-Fri., 9/12-13: K-5 Assessments

Mon., 9/16: Back to School Night, 5:00 to 7:00 PM

Tue., 9/24: ELAC Meeting, 3:45 PM 

Thur., 9/26: Minimum Day All Grades

Thur.-Fri., 9/26-27: Individualized Learning Plans

Thur., 10/4: Individualized Learning Plans

Academic Calendar

Community Calendar

The Leader In Me Survey iLEAD Lancaster

Leader in Me Parent / Guardian Survey & Learner Survey Notification

Dear iLEAD Lancaster Parents and Guardians, Our school is implementing a whole-school transformational process called Leader in Me, which teaches 21st-century leadership and life skills to learners and creates a… Read more

Social Emotional Learning

Join iLEAD Lancaster iSupport

Our leadership team is committed to supporting our staff, learners, and families to be the best we possibly can. We appreciate feedback and welcome input. To that end, please join… Read more

Project Based Learning iLEAD Lancaster

5 Ways Project-Based Learning Facilitates Lifelong Learning

We are hearing more and more each day about the changing world of work and what type of skills will define the success of today’s students and future professionals. Outside… Read more

Learning Styles iLEAD Lancaster

What is Your Learning Style?

How do you learn best? Learners are often identified as a certain type: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic, and each type has some common traits.  Visual learners – Learn by seeing… Read more

Image of two hands stretching across the screen to embrace.

Mental Health Support & Family Resources

Did you know that if you text “HOME” to 741741 when you are feeling depressed or suicidal or just needing someone to talk to, a crisis counselor will text you?… Read more

School Valet Procedures iLEAD Lancaster

Important Morning Valet Reminders

Please form ONE line into the parking lot for morning valet. Thank You! Download the FREE Parent Square app on your iPHONE or Android. You may also complete it on… Read more

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