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Monday message 01.30.2023

Black History Month

Dear iLEAD Lancaster Families,

iLEAD Lancaster joins in celebrating Black History Month. This national celebration exists thanks to the dedication of scholar Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950), known as the Father of Black History, who initiated a weeklong celebration corresponding with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. In 1976, this celebration expanded to the entire month of February. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month, which honors the significant contributions of Black people to the social, political, and economic structures of the world. Click here to learn more as we celebrate Black History Month!

With gratitude,

Nykole Kent
iLEAD Lancaster

Upcoming Events

calendar post-it notes

Thur., 10/4: Individualized Learning Plans

Mon.-Fri., 10/7-11: Mid-Fall Break, Staff Professional Development

Mon.-Fri., 10/21-25: Red Ribbon Spirit Week

Fri., 10/25: Festive Carnival Frenzy (Fall Festival), 5:00-7:30 PM

Thur., 10/31: Minimum Day All Grades

Fri., 11/1: Learner Free Day

Academic Calendar

Community Calendar

iLEAD Lancaster glider pilots

iLEAD Lancaster Learners Soar on Glider Flight Day!

Saturday was glider flight day for our learners! Tapping into our curiosity about flight, iLEAD Student Aerospace‘s Soaring Aerodynamics project answers the question “How do things fly?” and introduces learners… Read more


Valentine’s Day Grams

Valentine’s Day grams are available to purchase at the amphitheater January 30 through February 10. Grams will be delivered to learners, facilitators, and staff February 14. Elementary learners can purchase… Read more

school lunch

Breakfast and Lunch Menu: January 30 – February 3

Monday: Mexican Concha. Breaded chicken patty on a hamburger bun with carrot sticks (3/4 cup). Tuesday: Lucky Charms and whole-grain crackers. Chicken quesadilla with Spanish rice (1/2 cup) and pinto… Read more

colorful birthday cupcakes

Birthday Celebrations for Learners

We love celebrating with you! We want to take this opportunity to let families know that any snacks brought in for a learner’s birthday will be distributed to their peers… Read more

How Can We Help You

How Can We Help? Complete This Survey

We would like to learn more about our learners who may be living in nontraditional homes or in foster care placement. All we ask is that you take a few… Read more

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