
Lunch Buddies for the Spring Semester

child holds iPad

Your school counselors are here for you throughout distance learning. Let’s lean on each other for support and do the best we can.

Lunch Buddies is available now through May 13. Please join your school counselors for special topics and fun connections. The schedule is as follows:

K-4th: 11:30 AM-12:00 PM
5th-8th: 12:00-12:30 PM

Please check ParentSquare for the link to join us or any Lunch Bunch for your grade level iLEAD-wide!

If you have any questions about iLEAD Lancaster Lunch Bunch, please email hosts Shaana Scott (shaana.scott@ileadlancaster.org) and Tina Tharp (tina.tharp@ileadschools.org).

In addition, please check out the Student Support team’s brand-new counseling page! The Student Support counseling team is meeting the social-emotional needs of learners, families and staff through groups, guidance lessons, Lunch Bunches, resources, and office hours. If you need to connect with a Student Support counselor, please visit our page for more info. To navigate to the page from our school website, please find “Resources” in the menu and scroll down to “Counseling (Student Support).”




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